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Its Skipping, but in SVG Animations

 Well Jolly, has been doing some pull ups, for quite some time now, so why not make him do some skipping! This time though, lets use CSS to do the work. First lets create Jolly. Here we are using the <g> tag to declare a group of SVG elements. <svg width='500' height='800'> <g id="human-being"> <circle class='human' id='head'cx='200' cy='300' r='60'> </circle> <polyline class='human' id='body' points='200,365 200,550'> </polyline> <polyline class='human' id='armR' points='200,365 235,455 280,515'> </polyline> <polyline class='human' id='armL' points='200,365 165,455 120,515'> </polyline> <polyline class='human' id='legR' points='200,550 255,695'> </polyline> <polyline class=...

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